Webelos uniform
This is the uniform guide for the official Webelos dress uniform, or "Field Uniform" uniform, to be worn at Pack meetings and special events. The "Activity Uniform" is the navy blue Pack 187 tee-shirt and shorts, to be worn at den meetings and casual events.
The Webelos Scout may choose either the blue Webelos uniform based on the Cub Scout uniform, or the tan/olive uniform similar to the one worn by Scouts BSA. The location of badges and insignia is the same for both uniforms.
Webelos Cap
Webelos Blue or Tan Uniform Shirt
Webelos Neckerchief
Webelos Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Blue or Olive Trousers or Shorts
Blue or Olive Cub Scout Belt and Webelos Belt Buckle
Cub Scout Blue or Olive Crew Socks