1. Parts: ONLY Official B.S.A. GRAND PRIX PINEWOOD DERBY CAR KIT parts shall be used in major components of the car (body, wheels, and axles). Accessories and decals may be added, but you may NOT replace or substitute kit parts.

2. Length: shall not exceed 7” overall.

3. Width: shall not exceed 23⁄4” overall. Minimum width between wheels

shall be 1 3⁄4” so the car will clear the center guide strip.

4. Height: (from bottom of wheels to top of car) shall not exceed 3” so as not

to hit the electronic finish line display bar.

5. Clearance between bottom of car and track shall be 3/8” minimum so car

will clear the center guide strip.

6. Wheelbase: The existing pre-cut slots should be used for the axles. If the

slots are not used, the distance between the front & rear axles must be within 1/2” of the distance between the existing pre-cut slots (1/2” outside one of the slots or 1/4” outside of both slots).

7. Weight: Total weight shall not exceed 5 ounces. Readings from the Official Race Scale will be final. The car may be shaped, hollowed, and/or built up to the maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only, provided it is securely affixed or built into the body. Loose materials of any kind are prohibited.

8. Mercury shall NOT be used for adding weight. It is a potential health hazard.


9. Wheels & Axles: Only Official BSA GRAND PRIX KIT wheels & axles shall be used. Wheels & axles may be slightly modified to remove minor surface imperfections (i.e., burrs), however, you are not allowed to thin, round, machine or reshape the wheels (the original sidewall ridges/dots must be visible, and the contact surface flat).

10. All four wheels MUST touch the track across the entire width of the wheel.

11. Hub Caps of any kind are NOT permitted (that includes round Avery- type labels).

12. Wheel Bearings, washers, or bushings are NOT permitted.

13. Suspension: The car shall not ride on any type of springs or suspension.

14. Starting Devices: The car must be free-wheeling with no starting device

or propulsion system.


15. Lubricants: Only dry powdered lubricants, such as graphite, may be used. Oils and silicone sprays are NOT permitted – they could soften the plastic wheels and foul the track.

16. Lubrication: Cars may be lubricated BEFORE INSPECTION ONLY, and ONLY OUTSIDE of the racing facility. Graphite is NOT allowed inside the facility. Once the cars are inspected, registered, and placed on the Starter’s Table, no further lubrication will be permitted, including between individual race heats.

17. The car may NOT have anything on it that extends in front of the starting gate (this includes the car body itself).

18. Details such as driver, spoiler, decals, etc. are allowed as long as these details are firmly glued in place and do NOT exceed the specifications listed above.

19. Paint & Glue: Cars with wet paint and/or wet glue will NOT be allowed to race.