Uniform Basics
Den Meetings - Students are welcome to wear pack t-shirts to den meetings. If they don't have a pack t-shirt, a full uniform is required.
Pack Meetings and popcorn sales booths - Full uniforms are required for pack meetings and popcorn sales booths. The full uniform consists of the following:
- Shirt:
- Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos 1 - Navy short sleeve Cub Scout shirt
- Webelos 1 and Webelos 2 - Khaki Boy Scout shirt (mandatory for Webelos 2)
- Starter patches:
- Numbers 1, 8, 7
- World crest patch
- Central Florida patch
- Scout shops will know where they go, or view this picture for patch placement. Shops can sew on the patches for a small fee.
- Navy or Khaki shorts or pants:
- Does not have to be from BSA... any uniform shorts or cargos will do.
- Navy Cub Scout Belt:
- Tigers, Wolves, and Bears must have a belt because their awards are mostly belt loops.
- Webelos belt is recommended but not required.
- Colors (Webelos only):
- Colors are tassels that pin on shoulder. Webelos must have these because their pins will go on them.
- Neckerchief
- Neckerchief Slide
- Hat (not mandatory)
- Handbook
Uniforms can be purchased at the Uniform Cottage in Kissimmee or at the BSA Scout Shop in Apopka. You can also purchase on line at www.scoutstuff.org but shipping will be charged. Prices are the same at all three places.